iCheese: Cards Duel pre-release!!

–UPDATE– Release date changed because of a noob error in the distribution build. V1.0.1 In Review right now. I hope to see it live this week before February 25th.

Hi everyone,

Finally, iCheese: Cards Duel has been approved and will be avaliable on the AppStore on Thursday 17 February!!!!

I’ll post a trailer I’m recording for the game as soon as possible and post an entry here on my blog as soon as it’s fully available.

iCheese: Cards Duel will launch at 0.99$ (0.79€) and I’ll study making it free for a day or two so you all can enjoy what I’ve been working on for many many hours.

It’s my first game ever, but now I’m sure that more will come, many more I hope!

Just to update any visitor, I’m actually learning/trying/testing/playing with Unreal Engine. At this stage I see a lot of possibilities. Given my actual job and the ridiculous amount of time I’m able to develope apps per day, I discarded the possibility of creating my very own 3D engine. The friendly and capable unreal editor, gives us developers a whole set of proffesional tools and a proven pipeline to focus on creation and innovation. The cost and lack of experience would significantly decrease the quality of any attempt on developing a game using my own 3D engine.

Anyways, doing some OpenGL is something present on my TODO’s and who knows what will happen in the future.

From now on, this blog will focus in the creative face of the game development and code pieces won’t be as important as trying to explain my future workflow from 3D design of characters with animations, riggings, skeletals and such to the really end with the game logic and the UDK tricks I find usefull while I walk up the learning curve of such a huge tool.

I hope you enjoy playing iCheese as much as I enjoyed creating it.

“Thanks for watching!”

Acerca de lapsusmental

Computer engineer working as a Banking Applications Developer in a multinacional firm. Actually, this blog is intended to cover my latest, and more exciting, hobby I'm spending my spare time on: iPhone Game Development. Everything I managed to learn on my own or visiting the many sites where more skilled and experienced people share they knowloedge has room in this site.
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